Friday, November 28, 2008

Week 13 Muddiest Point

Do you think sites like Wikipedia will continue to grow and prosper or do you think people's fear and lack of education about how it really works will "win out?"

Week 13 Notes

This week's readings were rather difficult to comment on as the youtube video was no longer available and the first article regarding the "No place to hide site" popped up the 404 error message... soooo, these notes are only regarding the article about EPIC Terrorism Information Awareness (Total).

Unfortunately, this web site was not very up to date. A lot of the information regarding gov't projects was interesting, but the "latest news" was from 2005... kind of bummed about this week's materials... :(

Friday, November 21, 2008

Week 12 Readings

The video discussing Wikipedia was very interesting. I think a lot of people shy away from it because of the open accessibility. Especially in academics, students are being taught that it is not a credible source to research basic information. I thought the operation discussed was actually very interesting and more organized than one would think. For example, I thought it was cool that changes are documented and looked over immediately and that you can see the changes made in red... I think people should take more time to learn about something like Wikipedia before jumping to their own conclusions based on what is pretty much heresay...

The two articles were neat in that its always interesting to see new things libraries can do to benefit their patrons, in this case through easier access to helpful databases and information through wikis...

Friday, November 14, 2008

Muddiest Point

Why are we reading older articles??? Is it to have the background or am I missing something? I know its late in the semester to ask this, but just got curious today...

Week 11 Readings

This week's readings talk about the digital library. The "Dewey Meets Turing" article was interesting to see the relationship between librarians and computer scientists, but the article was from 2005... now it seems like we are way past this idea of separation and librarians already realize and are adapting to the fact that they need to be not only informationally savvy, but technologically savvy as well...

With all of the articles though... it was interesting to see how digital libraries came to be... especially being able to see where they are today!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Muddiest Point

My muddiest point from this weekend's class is if xml schema is replacing DTD... what would happen if we still tried to use it... will it eventually just not even be an option... will changes like this (replacements) just continue...???

Week 10 Notes

This week's readings focus on the digital library. While one of the articles touches on the changes from the past to today's digital focus, both articles give interesting perspectives to the change. We've already discussed to benefits of open access for researchers and learners alike... the digital library discussion of these articles feel like filler to me... completing areas of the digital picture that we've been drawing all semester...

I also just wanted to make a quick comment about the on campus visit... it was so great to finally see everyone face to face and I actually feel more comfortable with this class and am enjoying it more now that we've all come together... :)