Friday, November 14, 2008

Week 11 Readings

This week's readings talk about the digital library. The "Dewey Meets Turing" article was interesting to see the relationship between librarians and computer scientists, but the article was from 2005... now it seems like we are way past this idea of separation and librarians already realize and are adapting to the fact that they need to be not only informationally savvy, but technologically savvy as well...

With all of the articles though... it was interesting to see how digital libraries came to be... especially being able to see where they are today!!!


Elizabeth G. said...

I think your right that most people in library science today realize how much more technical the job has become. I agree with you about the age of the article, as well. I noticed it with week 10's articles. I wonder if this is because it sometimes takes so long to gather the research and then write the article itself.

sanda said...

Hi Micquel,

You raised a very interesting point when you said that our profession has become more and more technology oriented. However, I think it always have been like that up to a certain extent of course. Library is after all a sanctuary of learning where patrons come to learn how to use the modern technology and try it out. Nevertheless, with the Internet and all the new systems that are used in libraries nowadays it might seems that they are more technology oriented than ever.
