Saturday, November 1, 2008

Week 10 Notes

This week's readings focus on the digital library. While one of the articles touches on the changes from the past to today's digital focus, both articles give interesting perspectives to the change. We've already discussed to benefits of open access for researchers and learners alike... the digital library discussion of these articles feel like filler to me... completing areas of the digital picture that we've been drawing all semester...

I also just wanted to make a quick comment about the on campus visit... it was so great to finally see everyone face to face and I actually feel more comfortable with this class and am enjoying it more now that we've all come together... :)


Lauren said...

IT was great to meet everyone with the on campus session. It really refreshed my view of the program.

I did think that the articles on digital libraries were good! Did you find it interesting that the gov't played a role? or was this common knowledge to you? I sometimes forget a lot of technology comes from the gov't!

Nicole Plana said...
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Nicole Plana said...

I was glad to meet someone else with two dogs and a husband! (or soon to be husband in my case)

I actually liked that the readings showed how IRs developed through university studies. I know we've been learning about benefits of access for researchers, but these explained the foundation and infrastructure in much more detail.